My sweet Scott Conley guitar is a true work of art both musically and aesthetically. I bought it after playing hordes of beautiful instruments at Buck Dancer's in Portland, Maine. The sound blew my socks off and the waist and hip of the thing are downright sensuous
So, which one of my guitars did you get Steve?
oh, and thanks for buying one!
however, the pic you have up does not look like one of mine :}
You are so right. Sorry! I will post your guitar in the next couple of weeks. Mine is OM-Honduran Walnut number 0317. Got it from Buck Dancers in Portland probably 7-8 years ago. I love the thing though I don't deserve it's wonderfulness. I played all the obvious names that day - Taylor, Martin and so forth and yours just blew them away. Easy action and immense sound. Thanks.
May I ask how you found my entry? It was cool to hear from you.
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