Sunday, December 01, 2013

Take some black and whites and call me in the morning

All week I planned a post that would show a typical day for a certain gentleman living la vida loca in Antigua. But after a whole lot of fussing I find that I'm horribly uninspired by the images I was going to use to tell the story. I fear that I have contracted a particularly virulent form of jaundiced eye with a dose of writer’s block for good measure. Here's a little black and white for what ails me. 


Daryl A. Black said...

With luck, the dose of black and whites have done the trick. I love the movement in the first two shots. People are walking with such intention, beauty, and grace. Nicely done, Steve!

Steve Immel said...

Thanks as always Daryl. I do love movement in street photography and was trying for a timeless feeling with the toned black and white.

Thea said...

Brilliant tag line for fascinating photographs.

Steve Immel said...

Thanks Thea. I'm glad I could pull something out of my shorts. I was down for the count till I gave up on the day in the life idea.

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