Sunday, March 08, 2015

Shapes and Shadows

We’re on the road going from opening to opening to opening. First it's Sorrel Sky in Durango then Sorrel Sky in Santa Fe and on to the Panhandle Plains Museum in Canyon, Texas. That’s three Peggy Immel shindigs in as many nights. So in anticipation of the white line fever that awaits I’m writing this several days in advance. And what with scrambling to get ready I’m adopting the short but sweet model. These are from Joshua Tree three weeks ago because that’s what the otherworldly shapes and shadows demanded on that day. The two below are quite abstract so if the scale is a mystery I have succeeded.


Blacks Crossing said...

These are amazing landscapes from Joshua Tree, Steve. The softness of the first contrasts with the stark light and abstractions of the two below. Just stunning!

Best of luck to you on your shows and jaunts and shooting. A great time of year for it!


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