Sunday, February 24, 2019

Male Pattern Laziness

Socked In

This Thursday past I wrote a párrafo for my weekly Spanish Grupo as I have done for nearly five years. And I quote, “Hay dos escuelas de pensmiento sobre la mejor moda para hacer los mejores fotografos. Uno dice que los resultos mejores veinen de explorando su vecindad local completamente. Esta teoría mantiene que nunca puede ver todos en su propia casa o propiedad. El otro dice que su impulsos creativos son amplificado por el nuevo, el inesperado o el extranjero. Soy aparentemente de la última persuasión puesto que necesito viajar para fotografiar.”

Fog meet snow

Basically, I’m saying that there are two schools of thought about how to make or find the best photographs. One recommends that you explore your home and neighborhood to a fare the well. It submits that you will never uncover all the mysteries of your homestead in a lifetime. The other contends that you need to explore far and wide so that your creative impulses are awakened by the new, the unexpected and the foreign. I, to the surprise of nobody, fall in the second camp.

Blackbirds Roost #1


Essentially, I haven’t photographed with serious intent since our sojourn in Mexico and that was the month of November for heaven’s sake. If it weren’t for my (almost) daily Instagram post of photographs from my handy-dandy iphone 7 I’d be zero for 75 in baseball terms.

Blackbirds Roost #2

And, to the point of getting to know your own backyard, I’ve done that very thing with these posts and readily admit that it stems from inertia and laziness more than anything else. That and the fact that I can get a plastic camera, alternative process look easily. Our very snowy winter, ten inches day before yesterday, lends itself to this ephemeral approach.

Soft, stylized images will float my boat at least until I can hit the road.


Blacks Crossing said...

If absolutely nothing else in the humor department raises its head today, the title of your blog did enough to span a week! Male Pattern Laziness! Hilarious. Anyway, loved the "socked in" image. Photographing with serious intent or purpose by traveling is good, but sometimes the best opportunities are directly in front of any photographer, so I am happy you have been shooting your surroundings, at least for the time being. A spring thaw of sorts is ahead and you will, no doubt, hit the road, but I will enjoy your local shots until then.

John Ellsworth said...

Love the blackbirds. You're the seeing man's Lennon and McCartney