Sunday, July 24, 2022

The new old spot color

Reflected Sky, Bartlett, NH

Turn Signal, El Prado, NM

For two weeks posting a blog has been dancing on the periphery of my consciousness at best, needing to be done but not commanding the attention that it deserves after some 800 consecutive weeks of same. The Covid fog to which I alluded last time has abated for the most part, but my brain has become a short attention span theatre. In light of that affliction and because I want to develop a worthy “Spot Color” portfolio these images are part of a retrospective that has emerged from revisiting seven million images and discovering that the concept has been part of my repertoire since the beginning of time or 2002 whichever is longer.

The S in Rand House, Randsburg, CA

Adornment, Elizabethtown, NM

Welcome. We're Closed, Rice, CA

The soaring success of spot color which revitalized my limping career in 2021 turns out to have been lurking in the disturbed reaches of my brain since at least 2002 when the top photograph was taken. Oddly enough Reflected Sky was rendered as color, black and white and spot color from the jump. So, I had something in my hot hands that long ago. I just didn’t know it.

You may have noticed there have been a Helluva lot less words this week and last. Call it laziness or, better yet, ruthless editing.

1 comment:

Blacks Crossing said...

It was very pleasing to read that you plan to do a spot color portfolio. I have always loved your incredibly appropriate use of it. Reflected Sky was certainly a wonderful way to begin, even it you did not know it at the time. A wonderful exhibit or book concept. One way or another, it will be wildly popular. Thanks, Esteban!