Headland, Point Reyes |
Salt marsh, Drake’s Estuary |
Drakes Estuary, Point Reyes.
I feel like a boxer with one fist tied behind his back. Or more to the point I”m a photographer who can see the images on the SD card in his camera but can’t download and process the files because my laptop PC won’t turn on much less show images on the screen in front of me. This situation announced itself on Saturday, September 7 in my room in Cayucos, California. So, now nine days later I have six memory cards to download and develop and I have no computer.
This has put a real damper on my spirits as you can imagine. I’ve lost sleep over the prospects that I cannot post my weekly blog post except with iPhone photographs and text from my trusty iPad. That’s what happened last week by the by and will continue this way till my PC is repaired or I buy a new one. Both will be attempted at first light on Monday. The renegade machine will be delivered to Electric Sheep in Taos when they open and I will order a new unit before noon. The sad thing is that I have been gnashing teeth for weeks about the purchase. Now, of course, I wish I’d done it earlier and I would have saved myself the misery I’ve felt all week. The new machine will take a couple of weeks to be built and delivered and the repair, if possible. Should take less time. My worry is that it can’t be fixed and, worse, I’ll lose all the information on it. I’m a nervous wreck to tell you the truth.
These images are lovely and show what can be done with only an iphone and an ipad. AND YAY! So glad to discover last night that the paddle, or in this case the computer power plug, was the problem and not your trusty computer which is up and running.
Anyone and probably all photographers have been in a similar dilemma to yours, Steve, and we feel your pain completely! It makes our art and joy so complicated and frustrating. The iPhone shots are great, and you must be enjoying your photographic sojourn in beautiful Northern California regardless. Damn those power plugs! Glad the solution was that easy. Now onward to developing the great images we know you have! We'll wait with bated breath!
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