Sunday, December 30, 2012

Roll Tide

There are a couple of things about coastal Alabama that I really get.  One is the weather and the other is the ocean.  Say what you will about rednecks and crackers and that every other human, women included, wears a Crimson Tide hoodie, the lovely folks on Mobile Bay's eastern shore can lay claim to  miles of pristine beaches and to sinuous bayous lacing the coast.  Besides I grow weak at the knees when it's 70 degrees in December. 

Gulf State Park’s new pier juts into blue water for 1540 feet making it the largest on the Gulf.  Opened in 2009, the gargantuan pier replaces a smaller wooden one destroyed by Hurricane Ivan in 2004.  2,500 feet of fishing space along its rails welcome fishermen who can cast for King Mackerel, Mullet and Bonito 24 hours a day.  Below the pier white sand stretches for miles east and west. 


Another kind of pier probes Ducker Bay at sunset as long haul trucks on I-10 track the horizon.  Alligators crisscross the marsh beneath the walkway and crawfish cling to the pilings at the waterline.  The moist richness couldn’t be more different than the arid high desert of northern New Mexico.  The briny air at sea level seems as heavy as it is crisp and light at 7,000 feet in Taos. 


Jim Rogers Photography said...

The Board of Tourism of the State of Alabama should put you on the payroll. You've made me wanna pack up the Nikon and head east along the coastline. Loved your photos, and you even teased us with some color which is always an unexpected treat. Being from South Texas and the South Padre Island area, I'm now homesick for the coastline and it's infinite photo possibilities. Good work, Steve (as always)!

Steve Immel said...

Thanks Jim. The coast does beckon. And those balmy breezes are pretty appealing when we've got 28 degree highs and 2 inches of new snow. Happy New Year, sir.

Daryl A. Black said...

Jim is right about the State of Alabama Tourism Board putting you on the payroll! Come, come, don't you adore the -12 we had the other day?

Seriously, the first black and white pier image is just stunning and evocative, leading the mind on and on. The last in the set closes the day in both curiosity and peace. Nicely done!

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